Foot Pain in Pregnancy
The last thing you want to worry about when you are pregnant is your feet, but pregnancy can lead to problems that affect both your feet...
70% of Women Go Up a Shoe Size After Pregnancy.....
Pregnancy may increase a woman's foot size, a change that appears to be permanent, according to a new study. Researchers measured the...
THIS is What Happens to Your Feet in you didn't have enough to think about
You've probably heard from friends, or learned from a previous pregnancy that it can cause havoc with your feet? Well it kind of makes...
Souls Insoles a Treat for your Feet
Laura tried our insoles and found "a different level of comfort compared to anything I've worn before".......... "I’ve been trying these...
Problematic feet during pregnancy?
Read this blog post from The Opinionated Dad whose pregnant wife tried Souls insoles and found that they reduced the pain from her...
SPD Relief
Read about Carla's experience of using Souls and how our insole helped her find some relief of SPD. Carla sufferers from hypermobilility...
Souls Insoles Helping in Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP); and Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
Sarah reviewed Souls for her Pregnancy and Parenting blog Read about how supporting her feet with Souls insoles helped...