Foot Pain in Pregnancy
The last thing you want to worry about when you are pregnant is your feet, but pregnancy can lead to problems that affect both your feet...

Flat Feet in Pregnancy
The most common foot problem in pregnancy is over-pronation or the flattening of the arch. This leads to pain in the heel, arch or balls...

What can you do about back pain in Pregnancy?
Research shows that more than two of every three pregnant women complain of back pain at some point. As the uterus enlarges, it moves...

Swollen Feet in Pregnancy
During pregnancy it's very common to experience swollen feet as fluids can collect there especially if its hot or if you've been standing...

Swollen Feet in Pregnancy?
When you're pregnant you expect some swelling - but did you expect your feet to be such a problem? Read here what Babble recommend to...

70% of Women Go Up a Shoe Size After Pregnancy.....
Pregnancy may increase a woman's foot size, a change that appears to be permanent, according to a new study. Researchers measured the...

I think my feet have grown....is that possible?
What we know at Souls is that yes your feet can grown in pregnancy, not just from swelling but actually in size forever! Read here how a...

THIS is What Happens to Your Feet in Pregnancy.........as you didn't have enough to think about
You've probably heard from friends, or learned from a previous pregnancy that it can cause havoc with your feet? Well it kind of makes...

Pregnancy and Your Feet......
Read here about why looking after your feet in pregnancy is so important: https://www.foot.com/foot-conditions/pregnancy-and-your-feet/...

Comfort Problems in Pregnancy?
The answer may be right under your feet..... Pregnancy affects the arches in your feet - Souls insoles are designed specifically to...