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Souls at The Baby Show NEC 2017

The Baby Show NEC May 2017 - Event summary

We exhibited our range of Orthiotic Insoles for Pregnant women at the NEC on the 19th -21st May and had a great few days.

We enjoyed meeting and talking to customers, helping to explain the impact pregnancy has on their feet.

We've put a few photographs of the event on the collage below.

To see our range click here

Welcome to The Baby Show sign

Welcome to The Baby Show

Souls educational banner

The Souls educational banner, we take it to all our events to explain what happens to your feet during pregnancy

Souls stand top

The Souls stand

Souls skeleton foot demonstrator

The Souls foot demonstrator allows us to show the changes that happen to your feet during pregnancy and how our orthotci insole helps relieve foot and joint pains.

Souls stand image

The Souls stand v1.0 dressed to bring our products to life.

Souls customer photograph

We met some great people and helped improve their foot comfort.

Souls customer

A Souls customer's partner helps put the insole into her shoe.

Souls customer

Another happy customer trying on a pair of our insoles

Souls - a three child choo choo

We saw this and had to take a photo, three beautifully behaved children in a three carriage choo choo pull along.

Many of our custmers that bought a pair of our insoles felt the difference straight away. Even passing by a second time to share their happiness while weaing them
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